Now Available: Effective TypeScript, Second Edition

I'm happy to announce that the second edition of Effective TypeScript is now available! I've spent a good chunk of the past year working on this update, and I'm incredibly happy with how it's turned out.

You can buy a copy at all the usual places:

If you'd like to read it online, you can get a free month of access to the O'Reilly online platform using promo code ETYPESCRIPT24 (valid until the end of 2024).

The book has been thoroughly revised and expanded to reflect how TypeScript is used in 2024. You can find full release notes on the book's GitHub page, but here are the highlights:

  • Two new chapters: one on Generics and Type-Level Programming and one on TypeScript Recipes
  • 24 new items (one item from the first edition was dropped)
  • Coverage of new TypeScript features like template literal types and recursive type aliases.

TypeScript has changed and grown since 2019 and so has Effective TypeScript: it's 50% thicker!

If you enjoyed the first edition or use it as a reference, you'll be happy to update to the second. If you haven't read it yet, now's the perfect time to pick up a copy.

If you'd like me to come give a talk at your company, please get in touch. For a preview, check out the talk I gave at Etsy in 2020.

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Effective TypeScript Book Cover

Effective TypeScript shows you not just how to use TypeScript but how to use it well. Now in its second edition, the book's 83 items help you build mental models of how TypeScript and its ecosystem work, make you aware of pitfalls and traps to avoid, and guide you toward using TypeScript’s many capabilities in the most effective ways possible. Regardless of your level of TypeScript experience, you can learn something from this book.

After reading Effective TypeScript, your relationship with the type system will be the most productive it's ever been! Learn more »